Translation Service
Taking advantage of our expertise in translation built upon extensive experience in overseas business development, we offer an accurate and high-quality business translation service.
Advertising/IR /PR Translation
- We provide a specialised IR translation service that will help clients attract overseas investors. Our clients include top companies listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
- We have extensive experience in the translation of advertising slogans and PR documents for a number of major national clients.
- We have extensive experience in the translation of advertising slogans and PR documents for a number of major national clients.
Website Translation
-Our translators understand the importance of cultural sensitivity and provide the most effective translation to promote our clients to a global audience.
-We are able to offer a package service that includes web design and development as well as contents translation.
-We are able to offer a package service that includes web design and development as well as contents translation.
Legal Translation / consistency check with international laws
- Through cooperation with a legal firm in the UK, we are able to offer a consistency check with UK/EU/international laws.
- Legal translations and preparation of contracts in English are also available.
- Legal translations and preparation of contracts in English are also available.
Business Translation
- We take pride in offering accurate translations that communicate even the most delicate overtones particular to each business.
Multilingual Translation
- Our extensive overseas network across Europe and Asia allows us to offer a translation service in many languages.
Abillion, Inc.
Abillion, Inc.